Wednesday 16 March 2011

Hopping Mad

Are you a notorious channel hopper?

Not any more...

No one likes adverts, see below for confirmation of this.

"love me"

For most of us adverts are a pain in the Coronation street, and are used as an opportunity to flick or "channel hop". No man wants to be subjected to a 3 minute onslaught from a celebrity shoving anti wrinkle whale blubber cream down your face because "you're worth it", which for the record is considerably less than the worth of the product, so trading is out of the question. So rather than digest nausea inducing adverts such as Lenny Henry running around a sub standard hotel screaming in our face, we opt to see what else can fill the void left by the commercial break. 

Unfortunately broadcasters are on to us, they have been for a while. You will have noticed this when suddenly you go from watching time team to this:

In a blinding panic you leap for the remote and go to the next channel only to find " mini Iggy" is there too. You flick on in a desperate rage until you get to the sanctum, the wholly grail the Nirvana that is the BBC.

But for all those times your not watching the 10 o clock news or MOTD then from now on every time there is an add break your TV will automatically play adverts specifically targeted to you. Naturally Mr Media monopoly Rupert Murdoch is the first to trial this with BskyB as he steps up his plans to rule the world and ultimately the universe. A sticking point could be that this is seen as yet another invasion into our already overly monitored lives. Not to mention if you have guests round for X factor, eating crisps and berating Simon Cowell, when suddenly a deadly silence falls around the room as an advert for a Swedish penis enlarger with backing music by Barry white is breaching your Mothers eyes and ears.


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